The first ever JavaScript was created by Brendan Eich at Netscape, and has since been updated to conform to ECMA-262 revision 3 standard (ECMAScript, aka JS 1.5). This engine, code named SpiderMonkey, is implemented in C. The Rhino engine, created primarily by Norris Boyd (also at Netscape) is a JavaScript implementation in Java, also ECMA-262 rev. 3 compliant.
JavaScript Documentation
A re-introduction to JavaScript.
Core JavaScript Reference & Core JavaScript Guide (v1.5, with updates for JS 1.6). Global Objects, Properties and Functions; Functions; Statements; Operators; Comments.
New in JavaScript 1.6 (Firefox 1.5, Gecko/Mozilla 1.8), 1.7 (Firefox 2, Gecko 1.8.1), 1.8 (Firefox 3, Gecko 1.9).
JavaScript Language Resources. Migrate apps from Internet Explorer to Mozilla, by Doron Rosenberg. JScript Deviations from ES3, by Pratap Lakshman, Microsoft Corporation, 2007-09-24, describes differences between the ECMAScript ed 3 standard and its Microsoft implementation (JScript).
By DevMo - Mozilla Developer Center, originated from Netscape DevEdge. Documentation Category: JavaScript. Temporary storage: DevEdge Archive Manuals. -
Microsoft Windows Scripting Technologies
Microsoft JScript, VBScript.
By Microsoft Developers Network (MSDN) Online. -
Microsoft DHTML References
Dynamic HTML Object Model References: Objects, Properties, Methods, Events, Collections. HTML References, CSS References, Additional References.
Microsoft Internet Explorer DHTML Object Model.
At MSDN Online Web Workshop - DHTML, HTML & CSS. -
Ecma-262: ECMAScript Language Specification
- JavaScript Standardization
3rd edition, December 1999. By ECMA - Standardizing Information and Communication Systems
This ECMA Standard defines the ECMAScript scripting language, a general purpose, cross-platform programming language.
This ECMA Standard is based on several originating technologies, the most well-known being JavaScript (Netscape Communications) and JScript (Microsoft Corporation). - JavaScript
SpiderMonkey and Rhino Embedding engines, Language Resources, Scripting Resources.
JavaScript Scripting Resources. -
Internet Web Content
By Apple Developer Connection - Internet Developer. -
Danny Goodman
Technical Reference Material: JavaScript/DOM Quick Reference PDFs, JavaScript Mini-FAQ, Essay: Java vs. JavaScript, Numerous Free Online Articles.
Danny Goodman's JavaScript/DHTML Application Examples "Web Pages That Think(tm)".
Books and Publications by Danny Goodman: JavaScript & DHTML Cookbook, JavaScript Bible, Dynamic HTML: The Definitive Reference. -
Douglas Crockford's Javascript
Articles, tools and resources. JavaScript: The World's Most Misunderstood Programming Language.
Tools: JSON (JavaScript Object Notation), JSLInt, JSMin. - JSON
JSON - JavaScript Object Notation - is a lightweight data-interchange format. It is easy for humans to read and write. It is easy for machines to parse and generate. Although based on a subset of JavaScript, (ECMA-262 3rd Ed.), JSON is a text format completely language independent, but uses conventions that are familiar to programmers. These properties make JSON an ideal data-interchange language. -
Voodoo's Introduction to JavaScript, by Stefan Koch
A well-elaborated and comprehensive JavaScript tutorial. - Google Directory: JavaScript
Beginning JavaScript Tutorials
By -
JavaScript Tutor
By - JavaScript Kit
JavaScript Kit (formerly Website Abstraction) has comprehensive JavaScript, DHTML, CSS tutorials and over 400+ free JavaScripts.
JavaScript Tutorials: introductory, strings (text), arrays, loops, time, images, forms, windows and frames, browsers, Math. Advanced JavaScript Tutorials: variables, functions, arrays, cookies, keyboard and printer, objects and entities, regular expressions, advanced forms, advanced arrays, advanced Math. - EarthWeb's Java Goodies
Striving to be the Largest JavaScript Repository on the World Wide Web. By Joe Burns, Ph.D. -
Unobtrusive JavaScript
Course by Christian Heilmann, licensed under the Creative Commons License. -
By EarthWeb. - The JavaScript Source
"Cut & Paste" JavaScript Library -
"Your home for JavaScript and Dynamic HTML on the Web", By Nick Heinle
WebCoder began as "JavaScript Tip of the Week". The site's author, Nick Heinle, wrote a JavaScript book and writes articles on JavaScript for Web Review.
The site has the purpose of centralizing knowledge of JavaScript and Dynamic HTML into one useful and organized resource.
How To How: tutorials, how-to articles, and discussions on useful and practical scripting solutions. Reference: CSS and JavaScript browser support. Scriptorium: a compendium of code. Demos: showcases the coolest examples of the JavaScript and Dynamic HTML code from around the Web. -
Focus on JavaScript
Guide by -
Sharky's JavaScript Answers
Tutoriais na forma de uma abrangente coleção de artigos, com respostas concisas para questões técnicas sobre JavaScript, por categorias. -
JavaScript / ECMAScript / JScript
Topics at, by Joe Crawford. -
FreeWare: Java / JavaScript - Your source of free services on the Web. -
JavaScript Components
By Christiaan Hofman, Netherlands.
- The JavaScript Calendar Component
- The JavaScript Slider Component
- The JavaScript Dynamic Image Component
- The JavaScript Debugger
- Javascript Experiments, Evaluator, DoubleClick, Help.
"Web Development Powerhouse". About 20000 resources listed in over 1000 categories. ASP & ASP.NET, C & C++, ColdFusion (CFML), Flash, Java, JavaScript, PHP, Perl, Python, Remote Hosts, Tools & Utilities, XML. -
JavaScript Examples by Simon Tneoh
Credit Card Number Validator Change frames, Change Image, Java And Javascript Communication, Dynamic ListBox Demonstration, Dropdown ListBox Link, Scrolling Window, Custom Functions, Banner Links, Cyber Hunt Javascript Game.
Tools for JavaScript Development
Firebug - Web Development Evolved
Firebug integrates with Firefox to put at your fingertips powerfull and easy tools do edit, debug, and monitor CSS, HTML, and JavaScript live in any web page. Requires Firefox: install FireBug Extension. -
Microsoft Script Debugger
You can use Microsoft Script Debugger to test scripts written in Microsoft JScript, JavaScript and Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript), as well as applications written running using the Microsoft Virtual Machine (VM). If you have installed an alternative scripting language that supports host-independent debugging, such as REXX or Perl, you can also debug scripts in that language. Microsoft Script Debugger can be used to debug both client (IE browser) and server (IIS) scripts.
Download Microsoft Script Debugger for Windows NT 4.0, 2000, and XP, Script Debugger for Windows 98 and Me. -
Venkman - Mozilla's JavaScript Debugger
Powerful JavaScript debugging environment for Mozilla based browsers, including the Netscape 6 or greater.
Venkman FAQ. -
Jash: JavaScript Shell
A Cross-Browser Javascript Command-Line Debugging Tool.
JSLint, The JavaScript Verifier
By Douglas Crockford.
JSMin, The JavaScript Minifier
By Douglas Crockford. JSMin is a filter which removes comments and unnecessary whitespace from JavaScript files.
Minify, JSMin port to PHP. -
Dean Edwards Packer
A JavaScript Compressor. Also available as .NET, perl and PHP applications. -
Online Javascript Compression Tool
Minify Javascript Online (JSMin) / Online Javascript Packer (Dean Edwards).
Javascript beautifier
By Einar Lielmanis. -
JavaScript Regex Generator
By Tavs Dokkedahl.
Browser Information
Browser Detection and Cross Browser Support
By Bob Clary, Netscape Communications, 2002-07-17, rev. 2003-02-10. Mozilla Developer Center - DevMo. -
Practical Browser Sniffing Script
xbDetectBrowser() - ua.js (Deprecated).
Determina Fornecedor, Versão, Família e Sistema Operacional do Browser com JavaScript. Contempla versões recentes de navegadores Microsoft, Netscape, Gecko, Opera e outros. -
MSDN Library - Web Development: Detecting System Components
Sniffing For Browsers, Virtual Machines, and Operating Systems
Article by Michael Edwards, Microsoft, Updated October 2001. Maintained by the Windows Client SDK Team.
Sniffing the Browser, Sniffing for a Scripting Engine, Sniffing for the Virtual Machine (VM) Version, Sniffing for Operating System (OS), Server-side Sniffing. -
More Sniffing for Browsers, Virtual Machines, and Operating Systems
(Updated June 1998).
Sniffing 128-bit Browsers, Sniffing the Browser's Default Language, Sniffing the Virtual Machine, For More Information. -
Sniffing for the Microsoft Virtual Machine (Updated June 1999).
Virtual Machine Sniffing Is Harder Than I Thought, BuildIncrement Property Differentiates Versions, Use the <OBJECT> Tag to Update the Microsoft VM for Internet Explorer, Use a Java Applet to Sniff the Client's Virtual Machine Version, Let the User Do the Detection, For More Information.
Sniffing For Browsers, Virtual Machines, and Operating Systems
SysInfo Applet
Displays all kind of information about your system and Java Applet VM. - BrowserSpy
BrowserSpy gives you detailed information, like version and support, of your Browser, JavaScript, JVM, Java, Plugins, Components, Language, Screen, Hardware, IP, Cookies, Web Server, FTP Password etc.
BrowserSpy Information Categories. -
Detecting A JavaScript Client
By Danny Goodman, View Source Magazine online, Netscape DevEdge, 1999.
Form Validation
- FormCheck
MooTools.Floor - Classes for MooTools. mooFloor Library - This site is dedicated to scripts built on the MooTools Javascript Framework. Open Souce License. FormCheck docs, MooTools.Floor Blog. Labs: FormCheck Demos. Google Code: moofloor, FormCheck Download. -
Part of Progsys PHP script library. FormCheck.js created by Eric Krock, Netscape Communications Corporation, 1997. Basic data validation (text, number, date), U.S. codes (SSN - Social Security Number, ZIP postal codes, phone/fax numbers), credit card validation. -
Simplify Form handling With the CFormData JavaScript object
By Bob Clary, Evangelist, Netscape Communications. Published 06 Jun 2003, revised 14 Jul 2003. CFormData is a JavaScript Object designed to simplify several common tasks when dealing with forms. -
Working with Javascript - Form Validation
By Apple Developer Connection - Internet Developer. -
Form Field Validation
By Focus on JavaScript, with Robert Dominy.