
The Java Technology
- Oracle Java
. By Oracle, who acquired Sun Microsytems, the creator of Java.
Java Technologies. Java SE, Java SE Subscription, Java Embedded, Java EE, Java ME, Java Card, Java TV, Java DB, Developer Tools. What's New in Java, Trending (The Java Source Blog). -
The Java Language Specification
By James Gosling, Bill Joy, Guy Steele, Gilad Bracha. Sun Mycrosystems, 1996, 2000. Second Edition: View HTML, Download PDF. -
Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition White Papers
- The Java Language Environment, James Gosling & Henry McGilton, 1996 (PDF)
- The Java Platform, Douglas Kramer, 1996 (Platform PDF)
The Java Tutorial - A practical guide for programmers
With hundreds of full, working examples. By Sun Javasoft.
- The Really Big Index: list of all content pages in the Java Tutorial.
- The Java Tutorials' Weblog
- Getting Started: Your First Cup of Java (The "Hello World!" Application), Detailed instructions to help you run your first program, Common Problems (and Their Solutions).
- Learning the Java Language: Object-Oriented Programming Concepts, Language Basics, Object Basics and Simple Data Objects, Classes and Inheritance, Interfaces and Packages, Common Problems (and Their Solutions).
- Essential Java Classes: Exceptions, Threads, I/O, Setting Program Attributes, Accessing System Resources.
- Collections: using and extending the Java Collections Framework.
Swing: An introduction to the Swing GUI toolkit, with an overview of
features and a visual catalog of components.
Creating a GUI with Swing (from The JFC Swing Tutorial). - Deployment: How to package applications and applets using JAR files, and deploy them using Java Web Start and Java Plug-in.
- Specialized Trails and Lessons: Custom Networking, The Extension Mechanism, Full-Screen Exclusive Mode API, Generics, Internationalization, JavaBeans, JDBC Database Access, Java Management Extensions (JMX), Java Native Interface (JNI), Remote Method Invocation (RMI), Reflection, Security, Sound, 2D Graphics.
Introduction to Java: A Tutorial
By Ryan J. Stradling and A. Joseph Turner, Clemson University Department of Computer Science, 1996.
Java Resource Materials. -
Brewing Java: A Tutorial
By Elliotte Rusty Harold, 2002. Cafe au Lait Java News and Resources. Mirror: ibiblio javafaq. -
Java Community Process (JCP) by Sun Microsystems
Java Community Process (JCP) is the way the Java platform evolves. It's an open organization of international Java developers and licensees, coordinated by Sun, to develop and revise Java technology specifications, reference implementations, and technology compatibility kits.
All the new or revised specification proposed for the Java platform are submitted to the JCP as Java Specification Requests (JSRs), for public review and a formal approval process. -
Sun Developer Network (SDN)
Use this site to find the latest technical information about Java technology, directly from Sun Java. Registration (free) is required to access certain areas.
- New to Java Center
- Bug Database
- Early Access Downloads
- Java Community: Forums, Chats, Java Interest Lists, Java User Groups (JUGs).
- Information: Newsletters ( subscription), RSS Feeds (headlines from, JavaOne Conference, Industry News, Sun ONE for Developers.
- Technical Support, Java Learning.
Java™ technology collaboration portal. is a premier web-based, open community created to facilitate Java technology collaboration in applied areas of technology and industry solutions. is a central gathering place for Java technology enthusiasts and existing communities across industries, platforms, and interest groups.
- Community - Community Directory: Communities and Projects
- Java Today: News - Also Today Archive
- Articles
- Weblogs
- Wiki
- Developer
WinHelp Java Docs
Java documentations in WinHelp & HTMLHelp format. Referenced in Sun's Java Documentation in Microsoft Windows Help Formats.
Mirror site: Planet Mirror.
Este site disponibiliza versões (não-oficiais) WinHelp e HTMLHelp de documentação e tutoriais Java, convertidos a partir da documentação original da Sun em formato HTML: J2SE SDK (JDK) documentation, Java Tutorial, The J2EE Tutorials Pack. - JSourcery
Search Open Source Java APIs. API documentation for open source projects from Apache, Codehaus,, OpenSymphony, SourceForge and many other free Java libraries such as ANTLR, Bouncy Castle, JDepend, Classpath, ICEFaces, Rhino, Jonas, OpenCMS, Berkeley DB, Restlet, TestNG etc.
JSourcery (Javadoc/Hyperlinked Source Code) Software now publicly available. - JDocs
JDocs is a comprehensive online collection of Java API documentation, fully indexed, searchable, and annotated with user notes. All the javadocs for a variety of popular packages are loaded into JDocs db-driven system, and users can contribute their own notes. -
Google Web Directory: Programming Languages: Java
Thousands of links about Java, well organized among dozens of categories and sub-categories, like these: -
A friendly place for Java greenhorns. One of the primary independent Java community portals, by Paul Wheaton.
Discussion Forums (Saloon), Java certification tests (Rules Round-up), book reviews (Bunkhouse), newsletter, code examples (Code Barn), programming style guide (Chicken Coop), tips, links (Gramps) and other resources.
JavaRanch Big Moose Saloon
Java Ranch Discussiom Forums. -
Java Ranch - Frequently Asked Questions
This is a list of things people regularly want to know in the Big Moose Saloon. If you think there is something missing - well, just add it (it's a wiki).
Java Beginners, Java RAQ (good but Rarely Asked Questions), Java Micro Edition, JDBC, Testing, UML, OO Design, XML, Tomcat.
JavaRanch Big Moose Saloon
IBM developerWorks Java Technology
News, Tools and products, Code and components, Articles, FAQs, Standards, Education and tutorials, Developer programs, Services, Case studies, Related links, Forums, Events. -
IBM developerWorks: Java technology zone
"The Ultimate Resource for java Developers". Search the Web for Java (alternative link).
IBM Centre for Java Technology Development. - BEA dev2dev
Java Development Centers, Code Library, Community, Newsgroups. By BEA Systems, the makers of Weblogic platform for Java. - Gamelan
EarthWeb Java. Enterprise and Standard Java Technologies, Consumer and Other Java Technologies. Articles, Web Resources, Downloads. -
Java-Channel is a site where people exchange their recommendations about Java resources (classes, compilers, IDE, articles etc.), building an extensive and descriptive searchable database of Java resources, categorized by topic. Each resource is shortly described and rated. The site is updated daily. Alternative URL. - JavaLobby
The Java Lobby is a group of people who share a common interest in Java software development and the advancement of Java standards and software. The main purpose of the Java Lobby is to represent the needs and concerns of the Java developer and user community to the companies and organizations who have influence in the evolution of Java. -
Java Digest
JAVADigest.Net: Java news, article links, design patterns, J2EE product reviews, Open source, Specifications, Certification, Book reviews. -
Java Programming Resources
Java Books, Java FAQs and Tutorials, Java Documentation, Java Programming Courses, Downloading Compilers and Browsers, Development Environments (IDEs) & Editors, Core Servlets & JSP Code Archive, Core Web Programming Code Archive, Java Resources at Sun, Examples, Free Java Tools, Other Java Programming Pages, CGI with Java, Applet and Class Library Collections, Java Security, HTML and JavaScript. By Marty Hall. - Dev·X - The Development Exchange sites:
- Focus on Java
Java Guide by - Jax Magazine
Online resource for Java, Apache, XML and Web Services.
Jax Innovation Award. -
Java Report
Java Report aim to provide up-to-date product information, the latest in Java techniques, as well as all the listings that appear in the print version of Java Report, and more. -
Java FAQ Archives
Links to various Java FAQs. By AWN www-net. -
JSurfer - "riding the Java wave". - Java Centre
- Java Boutique,
Java Tutorials, Articles and Reviews, Applet Downloads. -
- JavaToys
- Linux & Java
Java Programmers FAQ
By Peter van der Linden, 1999, author of Just Java 2 and Expert C Programming. -
The Java Security WebSite
By Dr. Gary McGraw, Reliable Software Technologies; Professor Ed Felten, Princeton University. Authors of the book Securing Java, John Wiley Publishing.
Java Security Hotlist. -
Andrej Koelewijn On Java and Oracle
Blogs of Andrej Koelewijn, an Oracle and Java consultant working for IT-eye in the Netherlands. Categories: Articles, J2EE, J2ME, Java, Linux, MDA, OOAD, Open Source, Oracle, Tech, Web. -
Computer Science 124: Introduction to Programming Using Java,
Second Edition, Fall 1998
By David J. Eck. On-line textbook for the Introductory Programming course. -
Percolating Nicely - Java
Tutorials and articles about Java. -
FreeWare: CGI - Perl - Your source of free services on the Web.
Java Magazines
- JavaWorld
IDG's magazine for the Java community. -
Java Developer's Journal
By SYS-CON Media.
Java Conferences
- JavaOne
May. San Francisco, CA, USA. By Sun Microsystems.
JavaOne Online Technical Sessions. -
December. Antwerp, Belgium. By The Java Community BVBA.
JavaPolis '07 University slides. JavaPolis '06 Conference slides (requires login/free registration). -
Sun Tech Days
Worldwide Developer Conference. The Sun Tech Days program is a 15-city world tour designed to educate developers in local markets on various technologies. -
Software Development Conference and Expo West
March. Santa Clara, CA, USA. By Dr. Dobb's Events.
Java Guidelines, Best Practices & Patterns
Java BluePrints
Java BluePrints Guidelines, Patterns, and code for end-to-end Java applications. BluePrints: Enterprise, Wireless, Performance, Web Services. Guidelines, Patterns, Code, News, FAQs.
Patterns Catalog. -
Java & J2EE Conventions, Guidelines and Best Practices. Topics covered include: naming, coding and documentation conventions; project organization; build scripts and procedures; testing best practices.
JJGuidelines book: HTML (online), JJG PDF.
CheckStyle tool. -
The Design Patterns Java Companion
By James W. Cooper. Java patterns calatog book and examples for download. -
AmbySoft Inc. Coding Standards for Java
By Scott W. Ambler, 1998-2002, AmbySoft, v17.01d. -
Code Conventions for the Java Programming Language
By Sun Microsystems, 1995, Revised April 1999. -
Java Look and Feel (JLF) Design Guidelines
By Sun Microsystems. -
Java Programming Style Guidelines
Version 5.1, April 2006. By Geotechnical Software Services, 1998 - 2006. -
The Chicken Coop - Java Programming Style Guide
By Paul Wheaton, Java Ranch. -
Building with Ant: Directory Structure
By Alex Chaffee, - Java Practices offers concise presentations of Java practices, tasks, and designs, illustrated with syntax-highlighted code examples. Many code examples are taken from WEB4J and StocksMonitor, robust example applications whose full source code may be purchased.
Java Open Source
Free and Open Source Java
By Sun Microsystems, since 13 november 2006. -
Java livre e Open Source
Article by M�rcio d'�vila, 13 november 2006. -
Apache Harmony - Open Source Java SE
Apache Harmony is the Java SE project of the Apache Software Foundation. -
Will Sun make Java Technology Open Source?
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) at, Sun Microsystems' Open Source Involvement. -
Viva - Open Source Java - Operation Java Freedom
Duke - Java Mascot
Duke project -
Duke logo project, now open source. Images, Animations, Models. On November 13th 2006, Sun announced that Duke would become Free Graphics, just as the implementations of Java ME and SE became Free Software. -
Duke's Zone
Duke's Zone Weblog. -
It's Duke's Birthday, Too!
Article at Sun Developer Network (SDN).
Apresentada na confer�ncia JavaOne 2007, a tecnologia JavaFX � voltada para a cria��o de conte�do e aplica��es ricas - Rich Internet Applications (RIA) - em ambiente Java (JRE) cliente, tanto em dispositivos m�veis e aparelhos eletr�nicos quanto em desktop e navegadores web.
JavaFX parece uma mistura de Applet, Flash e Javascript e com uma interface de programa��o amig�vel. A tecnologia JavaFX vem concorrer com outras tecnologias RIA como Adobe Flash e Microsoft Silverlight (codinome do Windows Presentation Foundation/Everywhere - WPF/E), al�m do AJAX que vem impulsionando a Web 2.0.
- Sun JavaFX
- JavaFX Script: linguagem de script rodando em Java SE, destinada a desktop e web/RIA.
- JavaFX Mobile: sistema de software Java para dispositivos m�veis.
Learning the JavaFX Script Programming Language
Getting Started With JavaFX Script. Building GUI Applications With JavaFX - Tutorial. -
Wikipedia: JavaFX Script
From Wikipedia. Originado da linguagem F3. -
Projeto OpenJFX
Ambiente colaborativo do projeto de c�digo livre para desenvolvimento do JavaFX. -
Introduction to JavaFX
By Rakesh Manganellore, 05/07/2007, JavaBeat.
JavaFx Scripting Language Articles. -
OpenJFX Compiler
Project at See also: JavaFX Compiler, by Bob Brewin, 20 july 2007, The Next Wave, Sun Microsystems; The Birth of the JavaFX Script Compiler, by Tom Ball, 20 july 2007, - Book:
JavaFX in Action (375 pp.)
Author: Simon Morris / Publisher: Manning, June 2009 (est.) / ISBN: 193398899-1.
Chapter 1: Welcome to the future: introducing JavaFX (PDF), also available from DevX (Chapter 1), 2008-09-09; What You Can Do with JavaFX Sequences - and Can't with Arrays in Java, DevX, 2008-11-04, Sequences: JavaFX arrays (PDF, based on chapter 2). -
Jump into JavaFX, Part 1: JavaFX Preview SDK
Experience JavaFX with NetBeans 6.1 and Project Nile. By Jeff Friesen,, 2008-11-06.
Jump into JavaFX, Part 2: JavaFX Script - Scripting in JavaFX: From language fundamentals to data binding. 2008-12-04. - Sun's JavaFX to take on AJAX, Silverlight, by Paul Krill, 2007-05-07, InfoWorld.
Feature Story: The Latest Java Innovation - JavaFX!
Por Leslie T. O'Neill, 08/05/2007, em Sun News. -
Does JavaFX Spell The End Of AJAX?
Por Andy Patrizio, 08/05/2007, em Developer. -
Can JavaFX Mobile Compete With iPhone?
Por Simon Brocklehurst, 10/05/2007, em seu blog. Veja tamb�m JavaFX Mobile versus the iPhone, por David Beers. -
Sun CTO Bob Brewin on JavaFX Mobile and JavaFX Script
Por David Beers, 10/05;2007, em InfoQ.
JDK 1.5 has introduced the Generics nechanism into the Java language, to define type parameters for collections, allowing more precise and restrictive the type definition for elements of a collection, with compile-time type check.
Generics in the Java Programming Language (PDF)
Tutorial by Gilad Bracha.
J2SE (Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition) 1.4 adds a simple assertion
facility to Java. To support this new facility in J2SE 1.4, the Java
platform added the keyword assert
to the language, an
class, and a few additional methods to
Programming With Assertions
J2SE (Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition) 1.4 Documentation, Sun Microsystems. -
J2SE 1.4 premieres Java's assertion capabilities
Understand the mechanics of Java's new assertion facility, by Wm. Paul Rogers, Java World Magazine, 2001.
This article, the first in a two-part series, covers the mechanics of using the new assertion facility of J2SE 1.4. Part 2 covers the methodological use of assertions by comparing Java's simple assertion facility with Design by Contract and examining the design and implementation issues of using assertions. -
Evaluation of Assertion Support for the Java Programming Language
Article by Reinhold Plösch, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria. Journal of Object Technology (JOT), August 2002.
PDF version.
Sun Applet Compatibility Guide - Microsoft vs Java 2 Virtual Machine
This document describes all known applet compatibility issues between the Microsoft Virtual Machine (VM) and the Sun Java 2 VM. -
How to avoid potential pitfalls of Microsoft's non-standard SDK for Java
By John Zukowski, Java World Magazine, October 1997.
Find out exactly which methods, classes, and variables have been added to, or omitted from, the key Java class libraries in Microsoft's implementation of Java 1.1. -
Transitioning from the Microsoft Java Virtual Machine (MSJVM)
In a settlement agreement reached in January 2001 to resolve a dispute over Microsoft's distribution of its Java implementation, Sun and Microsoft agreed to limit the duration of Microsoft's use of Sun's source code and compatibility test suites to support the MSJVM. Because some developers and enterprises have expressed concern about their ability to eliminate dependencies on the MSJVM in the time period originally provided, Sun and Microsoft have agreed to a longer period to permit a smooth transition from the MSJVM.
This extension allows Microsoft to support the MSJVM until September 30, 2004, addressing potential security issues and effectively giving customers another year to manage the transition.
Transitioning from the MSJVM: Info for Developers. -
Microsoft Java Language Conversion Assistant (JLCA) 2.0
The Java Language Conversion Assistant is a tool that automatically converts existing Java-language code into Microsoft Visual C# for developers who want to move existing applications to the .NET Framework.
Java Language Conversion Assistant Reference: Converting Visual J++ Applications to Visual C#.
JLCA Diagnostic Messages Listed by Package. -
Microsoft WFC and Java Reference
Windows Foundation Classes for Java (WFC) - Packages*, Java API, Java Language Specification (Version 1.0, by James Gosling, Bill Joy, Guy Steele). -
Microsoft Java VM x86 Download (FTP)
SumTotal FTP downloads.