Java Certification
Sun Java Technology Certification
Sun Certification FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions:
Certificate Inquiries, CertManager Questions, Logos,
Purchasing Exam Vouchers, Solaris Operating System,
Java Programmer Exams, Exam Questions, Recertification.
Java Technology Professional Development certification Paths:
Sun Java Certification SCJP Notes Parts 1 to 8
By Free Java Guide & Tutorials.
Java certification success, Part 1: SCJP
Tutorial designed to prepare programmers for the Sun Certified Java
Programmer (SCJP) 1.4 exam, providing a detailed overview of all the exam's
main objectives. By Pradeep Chopra, Cofounder, WHIZlabs Software, November 2003.
IBM developerWorks Java (requires registration, free).
SCJP, Part 1
(PDF) at FreeJavaGuide.com.
An SCJP 1.4 certification primer
Take the initial steps to Java certification.
Article on Java Certification overview, by Pradeep Chopra,
Cofounder, Whizlabs Software. IBM developerWorks Java Technology,
October 1, 2002, Updated on June 03, 2003.
Differences between SCJP versions 1.2 and 1.4, preparing for the
exam, tips and resources, including a useful list of references.
Article copy at Whizlabs.
Java certification success, Part 2: SCWD
SCWD preparation tutorial.
Seema Manivannan, Java developer and trainer, Whizlabs, May 2004.
IBM developerWorks Java (requires registration, free).
This tutorial is intended for professionals experienced in developing
Web applications using the Java technology servlet and Java Server Pages
(JSP) APIs. As it is not a comprehensive tutorial for these technologies,
it is not recommended for novices in this field. The aim of this
tutorial is to provide precise coverage of the concepts tested in the
SCWCD exam. It focuses solely on what you need to know to be successful
in the exam.
SCWD tutorial contents.
SCWCD Certification Primer
Article by Pradeep Chopra, Co-founder, Whizlabs Software.
a friendly place for Java greenhorns
Saloon, Round Up, Cattle Drive, Bunkhouse, Campfire, Code Barn,
Coop, Gramps, Granny. By Paul Wheaton.
JavaRanch Programmer Certification (SCJP) Study FAQ.
- JavaRanch Mock Exam List:
The JavaRanch Rules
Round-up Game, and references for others.
- Maha Anna's Java Home:
SCJP Exam preparation resources, by Mahalakshmi Annadurai (Maha Anna).
SCJP Objectives, Resources, Discussions, Mock Exams, Preparation Tips,
John Hunt's Java Certification Mock Exam: considered to be a
standard and easy sample question paper with questions covering
all test objectives.
JavaRanch SCWCD Preparation FAQ.
JavaRanch SCWCD Links, by Carl Trusiak: Objectives and Documents,
Tutorials, Mock exams, Notes and Information, Recommended Reading.
- Carl's SCWCD Resources:
Web Component Developer Mock Exam;
Servlet Study Guide &
JSP Study Guide for the Sun Certified Web Component Developer Exam,
by Miftah Khan, 2001.
Java Programmer Certification Exam and Training - JCHQ.net
Created and Maintained by Marcus Green. Demo Applets, FAQ, Tutorial,
Mock Exams, Java Books, Discussion.
Bill's Java Certification Resources
By Bill Brogden, LANWrights. Includes Bill's Practice Certification Exams,
which covers a subset of real exam topics. These tests have been used over
10,000 times since March 1998. Bill have selected 19 of the most frequently
missed questions on a variety of topics and placed them in the following
Hardest Questions Collection: Java 2 Programmer Certification Exam
Simulation Applet. If you get a good score on these you should have no fear
of the real test.
JavaPrepare: Java Certification Preparation Site
This site provides all the information that you may need to prepare for
Sun's Java Certification. It has a detailed tutorial covering all the topics
of the Java Certification exam. Besides a large number of sample questions
for each topic, the site has FAQ on Java Certification and links to a
large number of Certification sites.
AKGupta Java Resources
Resources, by Ashok K. Gupta.
Mock Exam,
Study Notes For SCJP
Examination, Tid Bits, Links.
Absolute Java
Test Your Java Knowledge, Java Tidbits and other useful information to
prepare for Java certification. By Tony LaPaso.
Java Certification
By About.com Focus on Java
with William Wagers.
JCertify is an interactive training product to learn the Java language and
prepare for the Sun Certified Programmer for the Java(tm) 2 Platform Exam.
By web's leading Java content authors Bruce Eckel, Richard Baldwin,
Roedy Green, and EnterpriseDeveloper.com.
javacertstudy - Java Certification Study Group
JavaCert.com is an online study community for Sun's Java certification exams.
JavaBeat Certification Center
Mock exams, information and tips for SCJP, SCWCD, SCBCD, SCEA, SCDJWS.
Vel's Java Home Page - Sun Java Certification Study Notes
Study Notes and other preparation resources for Sun Java Certification Exams,
by Velmurugan Periasamy. Vel became Sun Certified Programmer for the
Java 2 Platform 1.2 (SCJP) and Sun Certified Web Component Developer
for J2EE Platform (SCWCD) in 2001, both with score 96%.
Downloads (Word, zipped):
Vel's SCJP 1.2 Study Notes,
Vel's SCWCD Study Notes.
Prasks Enterprise Java & Java Architect Certification Resources
Java Architect Exam, Distributed Java, EJB, CORBA, IIOP, RMI,
Java Distributed Computing Learning Tutorial, SCEA mock exam.
SCJP2 Study Notes
Several resources from Java Discuss.
Sun Certified Java Programmer Exam Study Guide by Koray Guclu
Articles on Java Certification written by Koray Guclu.
SCJP Sun Certified Java Programmer Java2 Help Desk
Java Certification WebRing
SCMAD Certification Center
Helping You Pass the Sun Certified Mobile Application Developer (SCMAD)
Certification. SCMAD Overview, SCMAD Objectives, Mock Exams,
Study Guides, Study Notes, SCMAD Community, SCMAD Experiences,
J2ME Documentation, J2ME Tutorials, FREE J2ME Books, J2ME Glossary,
J2ME FAQs, J2ME Examples, J2ME Tools, J2ME Resources, J2ME News.
Java Certification Blogger [In Portuguese]
Brazilian web-log on Java certification. By Jose Carlos.
Google Directory: Java Certification Resources
Practice Tests & Mock Exams
By Paul Wheaton.
JavaRanch Mock Exam List:
The JavaRanch Rules Round-up Game,
and references for others.
John Hunt's Mock Exam: considered to be a standard and easy sample
question paper with questions covering all test objectives.
Dan Chisholm - Java Programmer Certification Mock Exams
This page contains mock exams for the 1.4 version of the java
programmer certification exam, 310-035. Single Topic Exams,
Comprehensive Exams, Detailed Explanations, Tutorials.
Java 2 Certification Exam Preparation
This page provides quiz and review applets that you can use to prepare for
the Java 2 Programmer and Architect exams. In order to use these applets,
you need a JDK 1.1-compatible browser, such as version 4 or later of
Navigator or Internet Explorer. By James Jaworski.
Java Technology Certifications
By About.com Focus on Java
with William Wagers.
Top 10 Free Java Mock SCJP Certification Exams.
Java Programmer Certification Exam and Training - JCHQ.net
Marcus Green's Mock Exam 1,
Mock Exam 2,
Mock Exam 3.
Sun certified Java Programmer - Mock Exam
Practice Test for SCJP 2 Certification. Free online applet test,
by Ashok Gupta.
Former location.
Sun Certified Java Programmer sample test
Prepared by Sreenivasa Kumar Majji.
Free online tests on Java and XML. The exam simulator helps to prepare for
professional certifications.
WhizLabs: Sun Java Certification
SCJP, SCWCD, SCEA Certification Test Simulators. Commercial products.
JDCertify - Java Certification Exam Questions
JDCert is a Java Programmers Certification Mock Examination for free
download. Developed by JayDee Technology. The site also lists a
large collection of links for Mock Exams and other Exam Simulations.
Java Mock Exam Software - Jxam
Jxam 2.0 contains 200 questions in the database. It's a free Java Mock Exam
as a
Java application for download. By Eddie McNally.
Java Certification Books
Related Certifications