SumTotal ToolBook
ToolBook Help Resources
To know about ToolBook:
- Do you not yet know ToolBook Instructor and Assistant? Start with SumTotal official site, the makers of ToolBook. Also consult the product datasheets: Instructor & Assistant, in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format.
- Learn about the Differences between ToolBook Instructor and ToolBook Assistant.
- Request the free ToolBook Trial Download (Instructor/Assistant) from SumTotal site (warning: really large files, use of a download manager highly recommended!).
- For new features of each version, read these SumTotal technical articles and
press releases:
What's new in Assistant 2004 (Jun/2004), Instructor 2004 SP1 (Apr/2004), ToolBook 2004 [PDF] (Nov/2003), ToolBook 8.6 (May/2003), Assistant 8.5 (Aug/2003), Instructor 8.5 (Jul/2002), ToolBook 8.1 SP1 (Jul/2002), Instructor 8.1 (Jul/2001), Assistant 8.1 (Jun/2001), Instructor 8.0 (Jan/2001), Instructor 7.2 (Aug/2000), Instructor 7.1 (Oct/1999), Instructor 6.5? (Nov/1998). - Search for ToolBook versions "Release Notes".
- See the ToolBook Guides and Tutorials.
- See the ToolBook Showcase of on-line examples.
- For a begginer overview, run the ToolBook On-Line Tutorial application.
If you have a question or doubt regarding ToolBook, I suggest you follow these steps:
- Look for information into the ToolBook On-Line Help and the manuals
- Search SumTotal Knowledge Base (over 5300 technical articles)
- Search the Archives of the
ToolBook Discussion List (since Jan/1995), or its corresponding newsgroup
bit.listserv.toolb-l (since Jan/1993).
If your question was not yet discussed, subscribe and ask into this International ToolBook List. - Look into this site :-) for tutorials, books and other information
- Read the SumTotal ToolBook FAQ
- Look at SumTotal Developer's Exchange for ToolBook
- Search the old John Hall's FAQs ( HTML-based Toolb-l FAQ, 1997)
- Look for other local ToolBook usergroups
SumTotal ToolBook
Company former names: Asymetrix Corporation; Asymetrix Learning Systems; Click2Learn (C2L). On March 19th, 2004, Click2learn and Docent merged to become SumTotal Systems. In August 3, 2005, SumTotal acquired Pathlore Software.
- ToolBook Web Site by SumTotal Systems.
- SumTotal Web Site
SumTotal FTP Site
Updates and patches, runtimes, samples, utilities, documentation, information. FTP Site Index ( -
ToolBook Downloads
This page has direct links to the latest release of the Neuron plugin and patches to the current shipping versions of ToolBook. - ToolBook II Family
- Instructor (ex Multimedia ToolBook CBT Edition)
- Assistant
- Publisher (ex Multimedia ToolBook) - Discontinued since version 6
- SumTotal Enterprise Suite
SumTotal Technical Support
ToolBook Support Services:
- Online Knowledge Base: over 5280 technical articles
SumTotal Newsgroups (
) including:
- ToolBook Scripting - ToolBook Downloads & Updates
- SumTotal Developer's Exchange for ToolBook
SumTotal Technical Documentation FTP
The complete electronic versions (Adobe Acrobat PDF) of the Instructor, Assistant and Librarian product manuals. -
SumTotal Marketing FTP archive
Product datasheets (PDF), interactive tours, demo screenshots and box shots.
Marketing literature (PDF): E-learning Guides, Assistant Quick Start Companion, Courseware Catalog, and others. - SumTotal Year 2000 Compliance (PDF 19k)
- Click2learn Quotes at Yahoo! Finance (Nasdaq: CLKS)