SumTotal ToolBook - Index

- ToolBook Help Resources
Essential steps to find ToolBook information and assistance.
- SumTotal
Useful links inside SumTotal site (formerly Click2learn, Asymetrix).
- ToolBook Deployment
Links for ToolBook runtimes download and information.
Useful references on ToolBook deployment, installation and CD autorun.
- Information on ToolBook
Links to tutorials, courses, papers and presentations about ToolBook available over the Internet.
- Books about ToolBook
References of ToolBook bibliography (printed or on CD-ROM).
- Discussion Groups
Information and instructions to access the GREAT
ToolBook List (formerly TOOLB-L), the best Listserv discussion resource for
ToolBook users over the whole world. SumTotal Newsgroups,
The Brazilian ToolBook Group toolb-br, Other ToolBook forums.
- ToolBook Related Sites
Various ToolBook related sites.
- ToolBook Utilities & Samples
A wide and comprehensive list of all kind of useful freeware, shareware and commercial
tools, extensions and utilities for ToolBook and multimedia authoring.
Links to interesting ToolBook samples available over the Web.